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Area Sand & Gravel

Red Clay

Red Clay

Use: Foundations, embankments, construction fill.
Benefits: High compaction, stable, long-lasting.
Applications: Building foundations, road bases.

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Red Clay is a heavy, sticky soil known for its reddish color due to iron oxide content. It offers excellent compaction properties, making it ideal for foundations, embankments, and other structural applications. While not suitable for planting due to poor drainage and low organic content, Red Clay provides a solid base where strength and durability are essential.

Frequently Asked:

Can Red Clay be used to make bricks and tiles?
Absolutely, it's commonly used in construction to produce durable, attractive bricks and tiles with a distinctive reddish hue.

Does Red Clay drain well?
No; this type of soil has low permeability, meaning water moves through it very slowly, making it prone to compaction and reducing air circulation to plant roots.

Is Red Clay difficult to work with?
It can be hard and compact, especially when dry, making it challenging to till or shape. Amending with organic matter or working when slightly moist can ease handling.

Does Red Clay expand when wet?
It can swell slightly, so proper installation is important.