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Area Sand & Gravel

Sandy Clay

Sandy Clay

Use: Construction fill, leveling, soil amendment.
Benefits: Good compaction, better drainage than pure clay.
Applications: Retaining walls, filling low areas.

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Sandy Clay combines the qualities of sand and clay, resulting in a material that compacts well while allowing for some drainage. It's easier to work with than pure clay and provides a stable base for construction projects like foundations, road bases, and leveling. Sandy Clay is not ideal for planting but can be used to improve soil structure when mixed with organic matter.

Frequently Asked:

Can Sandy Clay be used for gardening?
It's not ideal alone but can improve heavy clay soils when mixed properly. Grass will grow on it.

Does it compact well?
Yes, it provides a stable base when compacted and is great for filling holes.

Is Sandy Clay affected by water?
It handles water better than pure clay but can still retain moisture.